Actually, no, it doesn't. But I have always wanted to write that, and this is my chance. Welcome to a peripatetic blog that will cover my launch of Kouri Design. So, here's a pigeon:

Why Kouri Design, you may ask? Because I already had parked (DON'T click the link, there's nothing there) elsewhere. And, I will be selling some of my own and other designs, instantiated via 3D printers and laser cutter/engravers. For now. Maybe someday we will add CNC milled and water-jetted objects.
This website is a vehicle to help make my hobbies at least pay for themselves, and hopefully bring a little joy and whimsy into your lives. Everything will be customizable, from engraving or scoring your logo onto a phone-stand keychain, to burning your hand-drawn images onto the side of a dice tower.